Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

"I love my curves!"

"I love my curves!" - Hallo Welcome Best health style, In the article you read this time with the title "I love my curves!", we have prepared well for this article you read and download the information therein. hopefully fill posts Artikel Consider this..., Artikel Real Life Health, you write you can understand. Well, happy reading.

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"I love my curves!"

Have you ever noticed that when a celebrity proclaims their love for their "curves" they usually land a Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers contract soon after (only to show up on the cover of some rag proud of their "new body").

Yesterday I was reading a trashy mag (as I do on the stationary bike occasionally....no judgement) and saw a newer pic of Jennifer Hudson (I love JH). She was one woman I never thought would defect to the other side. I honestly believed her when she would say how she loves "her curves". That is....until she found Weight Watchers and now has an eating disorder.  I swear this woman is joining the ranks of all female celebs (who hate themselves) and is cultivating her own little war against food. She is skinny. She has a bobble head for Gosh-sakes!

After saying that, I completely understand her motives based upon the culture she works in. I would do the same thing (so I'm not judging...just sayin') But when it comes to truly "accepting our bodies" how does one do it and is it really something we can do (or just one of those urban myths)?  It's like hearing about my best friend's bother's cousin who knew of this girl that worked with this woman who truly accepted her body. I don't think it really exists (not while we are living in such a superficial society).

I've talked about accepting my body before and I've urged women to focus on a health regime vs. a weight loss regime. I also understand the desire to look as good as one can (based upon the definition of North American beauty) and how that influences eating and exercise behaviour.

This morning I came across an interesting study; one that has been done many times before. It suggested that a focus on what we dislike about our bodies (our muffin tops, thunder thighs, cottage cheese butts, and jello-arms...just to name a few popular "hate" spots) can lead to weight gain over time. Why? Who hasn't been depressed about their panus only to open a big bag of Doritos or tub of Rolo ice cream as a way to self soothe? Anyone? I know I have. Depression (or whatever you may call it) relates to emotional eating and emotional eating rarely includes a big salad with the balsalmic on the side. Am I right or am I right?

So, I repeat the question...how does one "accept one's fat rolls" truly and sincerely? Well, if we were to consider the "newer" research on neural plastisicity (potential changes in the brain's wiring) as it relates to changing our thoughts....we could assume that if we were to practice positive thinking on a daily basis, we may be able to change the way our brain is wired. If I were to stand in front of the mirror in the morning and say, "Gee, I love those flabby bits under my arms!" or "Man, I have the most amazing muffin top!" perhaps I would eventually start to believe it????

Better yet, if we were to practice thanking our bodies for what they do every day, I think we would find we start loving them more than hating them. If you are without disability and have two working legs that take you anywhere you want to go, give thanks for that. If you can breathe without effort or have created something like a beautiful garden or dinner with your body, give thanks for that. If you can see, hear, talk, and think clearly....give thanks for that.

I know, when I start positive "thanking" (I just made that up.....pretty darn clever am I, eh?) I do feel better about my body no matter how much panus hangs over my work pants.

Just something to "thank" about (see, what I did there....my talents are truly wasted on this blog).


Thus articles"I love my curves!"

that is all articles"I love my curves!" This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article post.

You now read the article"I love my curves!" with the link addresshttp://bestbenefitshealthy.blogspot.com/2012/08/love-my-curves.html
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