Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

"Calories In = Calories Out" May Not Be the Language of Health

I remember, not too long ago, when I would slave away in the gym for 2 hours a day without thinking much about it. Although I enjoyed it, th...

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

Do You REALLY Want to go There?

Have you heard this one yet? Researchers are challenging the notion that the PMS related moodiness is more of a fallacy than a fact? Really?...

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Why Can't I Eat Cake?

Maybe it is my depression or the cravings that come with one's dedication for eating well (a.k.a. vegetables and all that's wholesom...

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

I'm Mad as Hell...(but still have to take it)

...but I remain at the mercy of "the doctor". I have just come back from visiting my new doctor (my general practitioner) and I...

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Anti Bully or Self Resilience?

This is great, but will it actually result in change? Like all "wars on this and that"...I highly doubt it . Lately, you have prob...

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Mental Illness Impact Bigger than Cancer!

You read it right! It's no big shocker, but it was in the health news this morning and I nearly fell off my chair with glee (if you can ...

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Depression gets in the way of change!

Over my lifetime, I've been a very happy person. I was always able to see the positive or feel a sense of hope when needed. I've onl...