Kamis, 20 September 2012

Only Sleep Matters!

Only Sleep Matters! - Hallo Welcome Best health style, In the article you read this time with the title Only Sleep Matters!, we have prepared well for this article you read and download the information therein. hopefully fill posts you write you can understand. Well, happy reading.

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Only Sleep Matters!

Sleep deprived much? I know I am. I feel like (and probably look like) the walking dead. When you get to the point where your temper is limited, you look like you haven't combed your hair in a while, or you start forgetting words like "steering wheel" (like I just did in a course I taught this morning - refering to it as a driving thingy), you know it's time for a nap.

The truth is, of all the healthy things you can do for yourself, sleep is number one. No exercise or carrot stick will do. We must be able to get at least 7 hours a night of uninterupted sleep (that's the rub) and not just going to bed at 10 and waking up at 6 kinda stuff. That's another thing about 40-something...my sleep is beginning to suck. When I finally get to sleep, I'm up in a few to pee, then up because it's too hot or too cold, then up to pee, then up again to pee...it sucks! I'm starting to think I shouldn't drink fluids after 6 or something. My outlook on life is negative, my feelings of actually giving a crap dissipate, and all I want to do is lie down.....anywhere (like maybe under my desk).

So why is sleep so hard to come by these days? Seriously, I ask my classes how many get 7 hours and I don't think 2 people raise their hand at any given time. Is it stress? Certainly. Is there to much good TV on after 10...probably. Sleep is tricky. While it is so hard to get up out of bed in the morning? You make deals with yourself; five more minutes (and I won't wash my hair)...five more minutes (and I'll wear the same outfit as Monday)... five more minutes and I"ll bring a can of soup to work....does that sound familliar? It has gotten so bad for me lately, that I have worn the same outfit for days, my hair is a mess, and the empty cans are starting to stack up in my office (kidding.....sort of).

So the first thing I did when I came into the office is book tomorrow off.....to sleep. I already feel better about my day (since it is now Friday). But that doesn't fix the problem. How does one accommodate for "sleep partner's" (I hate that term..but whatever) sleep habits. How do you get to bed early when you have a house full of door slammers living with you? I'm yearing for the days (not too long ago) when I lived alone and could turn off the house whenever I wanted.

In conclusion, if you are thinking you have to start exercise again (or more) or you have to start eating more veggies...first take a look at your sleeping pattern. If you are anything like me right now, my "two cents" to you is focus more on getting your sleep and less on the rest. Your mind and body will thank you, you will look better, you will have more of a positive outlook, stressors won't get to you as much, you will be more in balance and it won't take 8 - 12 weeks to reap the positive results. Before you think it's early onset Alzheimers, before you reach for that anti depressant, and definately before you start looking on line for another spouse, get some sleep. The world always looks better in the morning (....unless you've been up to pee 100 times during the night).

Now I must find a pillow and blanket.


Thus articlesOnly Sleep Matters!

that is all articlesOnly Sleep Matters! This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article post.

You now read the articleOnly Sleep Matters! with the link addresshttp://bestbenefitshealthy.blogspot.com/2012/09/only-sleep-matters.html
Only Sleep Matters! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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